terça-feira, 19 de novembro de 2013

Because I love both the Congregational Church of Comfort

My name is Ioséias , Christian pastor and I 'm 40 years old. Grazing Congregational Church of Comfort ( Volta Redonda - RJ ) , which is a great joy in my heart . I'll explain why?
On June 13, 1992 , shortly after receiving instantaneous healing of a chronic headache that plagued constantly heard a prophetic word that Yahweh our God was separating me to the pastorate .
The brother who was instrumental in my healing and gave me that word (since I can not remember his name , unfortunately) said that the Lord was putting in my hand ( I believe on the left , since I am left handed , lol ) one little Church of crystal and sent him to tell me : "Take care , because she is mine." I never forgot that experience .
Well , I am fully convinced that the Church "that the Lord has placed in my hand " on June 13, 1992 is the Congregational Comfort , having never pastored another faith community , since I was ordained on January 29, 2006 .
I got this church in March 1, 2009 as an assistant pastor , which I thought strange since the herd had only 12 children . But over time I began to understand why God had sent me to this church . Worked as assistant pastor of the late pastor , Antonio de Moraes Acassio until the 16th of November of the same year , when he left the front of the church to start pioneering work of Word of Life Church in Volta Redonda. So I assumed the interim pastor of the congregation , until on 02 December ( 2009) was sworn in by shepherds José Flávio de Souza Luciano Moura and as the pastor of this beautiful church, which at the time had 34 brothers .
Today, almost four years later , we are a little over 100 brothers and we are growing fast, the goodness and mercy of God .
It is obvious that the Church under my grazing is not perfect . There are problems to be solved , I am not liked by everyone ( no leader is ) , not count on the loyalty of all ( has no leader ) . Also still have my weaknesses and limitations , that leverage my problems and perhaps generate problems for others. However , I love these people very strongly and I do not see another herding sheep.
I know the day will come that I will leave the front of the church for a young pastor to assume and continue taking care of God's people , but this saddens me . Rather, bring me, now , a preview of the feeling of accomplishment that I will have the day to leave the pastorate of the Congregational Church in Comfort .
For this reason I say that this flock is like a part of me and got in my heart with deep love .
I hope in my life to honor God who called caring with full zeal for souls so valuable that He has entrusted in my hands . May the Lord help me .
Soli Deo Gloria.

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